Håkon Andresen
Håkon Andresen markedssjef i Scan Survey

Håkon Andresen

Civil Engineer / Marketing manager

Telephone: +47 22 08 68 00
Mobile: +47 90 50 64 74


Scan Survey Civil Engineer – Marketing Manager

Håkon Andresen is marketing manager at Scan Survey and is educated at NMBU and at the University of Calgary (1999). He has experience from various management positions, nationally and internationally, in Blom and in the Geomatikk group. He has also served on the board of the industry association for Geomatics companies.

Håkon has extensive experience with aircraft mapping and FKB construction up to the Mapping Authority / GEOVEKST. He also has similar experience from Sweden, Finland, Denmark and other international mapping projects. He has followed the development within laser scanning and digital photogrammetry / image matching since the 90s and is concerned that our subject areas should be well integrated in today’s digital workflow. In addition to traditional data capture with total station and GNSS, Håkon is interested in new technologies such as RPAS (drones), mobile mapping, terrestrial laser scanning and 3D modeling.